Real Talk from a Real One... I attended 160 Driving Academy and I was a One and Done!!!! Meaning, I tested once and got my CDL! What more do you you need to read??? If you need more, I'll elaborate... This school will get you your follow the program and the instructors! They lay out the formula... BUT YOU!!! You!!! gotta EXECUTE the formula! I promise you if you go to this school and accept the teachings that these instructors give you...YOU WILL GET YOUR CDL! Period, Point Blank! That is the bottom line! You wanna get your CDL and be One and Done like me...go t 160 Driving Academy!!!! Say Less....

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160 Driving Academy Corporate 160 Driving Academy

  • Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60606
  • Open Monday-Friday: 8a-430p
  • (877) 350-0884
  • (877) 745-2034