Why Choose 160?

Are you ready to take the first step towards a higher-paying career by earning your Commercial Driver's License (CDL)?

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Learning to drive a truck and completing training doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming – simply choose 160 Driving Academy, and you'll graduate in just four weeks ready to enter an industry with an average salary of $55,990*!

While many driving schools in the area make similar promises, 160 is the school that truly delivers for its students. Taking driving classes at 160 also gives you the following advantages:

  • Local Schools – Easy Commute
    One advantage that our students love is the easy commute to any of our dozens of schools across the USA. Instead of spending money on a motel or crashing with relatives for four weeks, you'll be able to drive home every night after class.
  • Instructors Who Care
    We don't just want your money – we're here to help make you the best driver possible. 160 Driving Academy invests the individual time needed to make sure each student excels in his or her industry.
  • Job Choice/Variety
    Prior to your graduation, our staff will provide numerous resources to help you find a job that meets your specifications. You'll be able to choose from a number of potential employers as a successful new graduate.
  • High Graduation Rate
    We devote the individual time necessary for each student to perfect his or her skills and pass the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) exam.

Truck Driving Classes throughout the USA

If you’re 21 or older and looking for a promising future, 160 Driving Academy may be your best career move yet. Don't delay any longer—call now or fill out our online form to get started at one of our dozens of school locations throughout the USA! You can also check out our Facebook for more information on our truck driving school.