I honestly don't know where to start from being in the "classroom" for a week with Stephanie and having Mr.andrew as a teach (hands down the best) he made it fun and enjoyable his spirits high and energetic exactly what I needed to get through the week and of course I love Stephanie the best branch manager she was definitely sweet and so supportive and I felt all the love reassuring me not to be nervous to go to the yard! Then once I got to the yard forget about it they made me feel so welcome and like family. Nancy truly brought out the real me and I forgot all about being shy I felt like I could be myself 100%. I stuck with manual and I can't thank Pete enough not even for helping me with my driving skills but for everything in the yard he was a very VERY big reason why I got everything down packed but I also can't forget about Daniel alley dock would have definitely not been accomplished with his steps because boy a girl was struggling!! I can honestly go on and on but the best person out of all was Eddie he had my back and helped with every problem I had. They all honestly made me feel at home. I'm glad I passed and I'm moving to the next chapter in life but it's sad to have to leave 3 weeks was too quick! So I'm here to say thank you to EVERYONE who help me get through this amazing journey it definitely wouldn't have been possible with everyone's help!!! I can go on forever because words will ne er explain how grateful I am for the people at the school so thanks again! 10/10 I recommend highly
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