When I came to this industry, I left my office job that I was in for 5 years as a sacrifice. The very first day that I reached out, Angela made it her business to help me find some way to obtain this goal. Even in the beginning when I wanted to give up because I saw no way of this happening she was still in contact and still pushing trying to find some type of way to make it happen. Now starting off… I can’t lie I was nervous but Mike, Clarence, Chris, and Charles assured me that I would be okay and would do better than what I gave myself credit for! Not only did these people become a family in 30 days, they taught me how to do a banging 90 degree back with little to no effort, not only did they teach me the how and why of everything detail of the truck.. but why it’s necessary to know even if your job will never have you touch it because it’s for your safety! I’m asking for a lifetime membership in the 160 family here in Greensboro! Like I will forever be in contact with them because in the great words of Chris “The day you stop learning, is the day you should park your truck” I truly appreciate this experience and I’m sending a lot of people to this academy! I don’t have family here but with them I felt right at home!
© 2013 - 2025. 160 Driving Academy - License Number: #000312
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