160 Truck Driving School (TDS) is the 'REAL DEAL'...! The program lends itself to a well balanced mix of 'Training' and 'Practical Application'...Is the program/instruction perfect (absolutely not)...Is the program/instruction committed to its students reaching their (his/her) respective goals of becoming a safe and marketable truck driver...ABSOLUTELY (Hands Down...and with the highest standard of 'Quality' and 'Excellence')! The instructors and office/branch managers and facilitators are second to none (often on the yard HOURS before start time)...These guys/gals are seasoned in the industry (most if not all are current and/or former truck drivers)...If you're looking for a 'Cookie-Cutter' out of the box program, this is not the program for you...The 160 program at its core is structured/designed to meet you 'WHERE YOU ARE'...(Good...Bad...or Indifferent), this dynamic puts 160 on the tip of 'SPEAR' for close scrutiny and criticism. This is OK for their posture is authentic, genuine, and transparent. They believe that 'No One Learns the Same' and 'No One has the Same Life Experience'...in that they are highly skilled with exploiting/accentuating one's 'STRENGTHS' all while mitigating and teaching us (the students) how to leverage/use our weaknesses as fuel and opportunities to stretch toward our goals (i.e., a Safe and Marketable Truck Driver)...I didn't know at the onset what to expect day-one of my arrival to the school/program...There are many/diverse tiers for initial entry into the program, I chose the 160hr format (I completed the program/graduated with my Class-A CDL on time/on-schedule)...I received more than truck driver credential from the program, I received (by default), an uptick in my CHARACTER, and a richer and more refined level of AWARENESS...(key ingredients for a SAFE and EXCELLENT Truck Driver)...I want to thank the 160 TDS Team for lending to me the tools that will no doubt fuel my success as a 'MAN' and 'SAFE TRUCK DRIVER'...You are the 'Best of the Best'...I strongly recommend this program to anyone who is serious about becoming and excellent and 'SAFE TRUCK DRIVER'!
© 2013 - 2025. 160 Driving Academy - License Number: #000312
Plus additional savings valued over $700!